Language/OS - Multiplatform Resource Library
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;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:CLUEI; Base:10; Lowercase:T; Syntax:Common-Lisp -*-
;;; P.O. BOX 2909
;;; AUSTIN, TEXAS 78769
;;; Copyright (C) 1988 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify,
;;; and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and
;;; permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting
;;; documentation.
;;; Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;;; express or implied warranty.
;; To do:
;; 1. Need margins
;;; Change History:
;;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; 11/09/87 LGO Created.
;;; 08/17/88 LGO Added Common-Windows rubout-handler support
;;; 08/22/88 SLM Display the text cursor position.
;;; 08/23/88 SLM Toggle solid and hollow text cursor when input focus
;;; 02/24/89 DNG When using Explorer CLOS, enable instances of
;;; interactive-stream to accept flavor messages from the
;;; system I/O functions.
;;; 02/28/89 KK Updated for CLUE 1.16
;;; 05/06/89 DNG For the Explorer, update to use the stream generic functions
;;; in the TICLOS package, and add support for the :READ-CURSORPOS and
;;; |
;;; WARNING: Non-portable code! A portable implementation of an interactive- |
;;; stream will not be possible until a standard generic function protocol |
;;; for Common Lisp streams has been defined. This implementation works |
;;; for Explorers and other Lisp machines. It may serve as an example for |
;;; other implementations as well. |
;;; |
(in-package 'cluei :use '(lisp xlib clos))
#+(and Explorer CLOS)
(import '(ticlos:stream-clear-input
(export '(interactive-stream
(defcontact interactive-stream (contact #+(and Explorer CLOS) TICLOS:FUNDAMENTAL-CHARACTER-OUTPUT-STREAM
((gcontext :type (or null gcontext) :initform nil :reader stream-gcontext)
(font :type font :reader stream-font
:initform 'fixed)
(cursor-x :initform 0 :type integer :reader stream-cursor-x) ; Cursor X
(cursor-y :initform 0 :type integer :reader stream-cursor-y) ; Cursor Y
(line-height :initform 0 :type integer :accessor stream-line-height) ; rasters per character line.
(tab-width :initform 0 :type integer :accessor stream-tab-width) ; Number of pixels in a tab
(lozenge-font :type font :accessor stream-lozenge-font
:initform 'micro)
(unreadp :type boolean :initform nil) ; True if a character was unread (already echoed)
(more-height :initform t :type (or boolean card16) :accessor stream-more-height)
; When this is non-nil, Every time a new line is output, this is
; decremented by LINE-HEIGHT. When this is less than zero,
; MORE-PROCESSING is called. MORE-HEIGHT gets set to
; the value of (RESET-MORE-HEIGHT stream) in STREAM-READ-CHAR,
(rubout-handler-function :initform 'simple-rubout-handler ; Rubbout handler function
:accessor stream-rubout-handler-function)
(output-history-top :initform nil) ; Points to the output history line at the top of the window
(output-history :initform nil) ; Circular List of strings
(output-history-size :initform 100)
(event-mask :initform '(:exposure))
cursor-x cursor-y more-height line-height tab-width lozenge-font
rubout-handler-function output-history-size
(background :initform :black))
(* interactive-stream width) 400
(* interactive-stream height) 400
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self interactive-stream) &rest options &aux (between-line-spacing 1))
(declare (ignore options))
(with-slots ( output-history output-history-top output-history-size
gcontext cursor-y font line-height tab-width) (the interactive-stream self)
(when (zerop line-height)
(setf line-height (+ (max-char-ascent font) (max-char-descent font) between-line-spacing)))
(when (zerop cursor-y) (setf cursor-y (- line-height (max-char-descent font))))
(when (zerop tab-width)
(setf tab-width (* 8 (max-char-width font))))
(setf output-history (make-list output-history-size))
(setf (cdr (last output-history)) output-history) ;; Make circular
(setf (car output-history) (make-array 256 :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'string-char))
(setf output-history-top output-history)
(defmethod realize :after ((self interactive-stream))
;; Ensure the gcontext is initialized
(with-slots (gcontext font background) self
(unless gcontext
(setf gcontext (create-gcontext :drawable self :font font
:background background
:foreground (logxor background 1)))))
(reset-more-height self))
(defevent interactive-stream :key-press stream-save-key)
(defmethod stream-save-key ((stream interactive-stream))
(with-event (character display)
(let ((char character))
(when (characterp char)
(append-characters display char)))
(defevent interactive-stream :focus-in (stream-display-cursor t))
(defevent interactive-stream :focus-out (stream-display-cursor nil))
(defmethod stream-display-cursor ((stream interactive-stream) fill-p)
(with-slots (gcontext cursor-x cursor-y) stream
(draw-cursor stream cursor-x cursor-y gcontext :erase-p t :fill-p (not fill-p))
(draw-cursor stream cursor-x cursor-y gcontext :fill-p fill-p)))
(defun draw-cursor (window cursor-x cursor-y gcontext &optional &key (fill-p t) (erase-p nil))
(let* ((font (gcontext-font gcontext))
(width (xlib:max-char-width font))
(height (+ (xlib:max-char-ascent font) (xlib:max-char-descent font)))
(rectangle-y (- cursor-y (xlib:max-char-ascent font))))
(when erase-p
(using-gcontext (gc :drawable window
:background (gcontext-foreground gcontext)
:foreground (gcontext-background gcontext))
(draw-rectangle window gc cursor-x rectangle-y width height fill-p))
(return-from draw-cursor))
(draw-rectangle window gcontext cursor-x rectangle-y width height fill-p)))
(defmethod stream-clear-input ((self interactive-stream))
"Clear all input that hasn't been read yet from the current io-buffer."
(setf (slot-value (the interactive-stream self) 'unreadp) nil)
(clear-characters (contact-display self))
(loop ;; Eat any characters sitting in the event buffer
(unless (read-character (contact-display self) 0)
(return nil))))
(defmethod stream-unread-char ((self interactive-stream) character)
"Put CHARACTER back in the io-buffer so that it will be the next
character returned by ANY-TYI. Note that CHARACTER must be exactly the
last character that was read, and that it is illegal to do two
unread-char's in a row."
(setf (slot-value (the interactive-stream self) 'unreadp) t)
(unread-character (contact-display self) character))
;; for common-windows compatibility
(defun force-input (contact string &key (begin 0) end)
"Forces the characters from BEGIN to END in STRING into the input buffer for CONTACT."
(append-characters (contact-display contact) string begin end))
(defmethod stream-listen ((self interactive-stream))
"If a character is waiting in the current io-buffer, return it
leaving the character in the buffer. If no character is available, return NIL."
(listen-character (contact-display self)))
(defmethod stream-peek-char ((self interactive-stream) peek-type)
(let (char)
(setq char (stream-read-char self))
(cond ((null peek-type) (return nil))
((eq peek-type t)
(unless (member char '(#\space #\tab #\newline)) (return nil)))
((char= char peek-type) (return nil)))
(stream-unread-char self char))
(defmethod stream-read-char ((self interactive-stream))
"Read a character from the keyboard.
Echoing is handled by the rubout handler (see rh-read-char)"
(declare (special *rubout-handler*))
(reset-more-height self)
(let (char)
(cond ((slot-value (the interactive-stream self) 'unreadp)
(setf (slot-value (the interactive-stream self) 'unreadp) nil)
(setq char (read-character (contact-display self))))
((eq *rubout-handler* 'tyi)
(setq char (read-character (contact-display self))))
(setq char (rh-read-char self)))
(t (setq char (read-character (contact-display self)))
;; Note: characters are not echoed without a rubout handler
(handle-asynchronous-characters char self)
(defmethod reset-more-height ((self interactive-stream))
(with-slots (height more-height line-height) self
(when more-height ;; Reset MORE height
(setf more-height (- height (* 2 line-height))))))
(defmethod stream-read-line ((self interactive-stream) &rest make-array-options)
(do ((line nil (cons (stream-read-char self) line)))
((eql (car line) #\newline)
(let* ((i (1- (length line)))
(result (apply #'make-array i :element-type 'string-char
(dolist (c (cdr line))
(setf (aref result (decf i)) c))
(defun set-cursorpos (interactive-stream &key x y)
(with-slots (cursor-x cursor-y gcontext)
(the interactive-stream interactive-stream)
(draw-cursor interactive-stream cursor-x cursor-y gcontext :erase-p t)
(when x
(setf cursor-x x))
(when y
(setf cursor-y y))
(draw-cursor interactive-stream cursor-x cursor-y gcontext :fill-p t))
;; needs to move a cursor character around
;;; Output
(defvar *no-stream-history-p* nil) ;; Bound to T during display
(defmethod display ((self interactive-stream) &optional x y width height &key)
(declare (ignore x y width height))
(let ((win self))
(clear-area win)
(with-slots (cursor-x cursor-y line-height font gcontext
output-history output-history-top) self
(setf cursor-x 0
cursor-y (- line-height (max-char-descent font)))
;;display the cursor
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-x gcontext :fill-p t)
(do ((history output-history-top (cdr history))
(*no-stream-history-p* t))
((eq history output-history))
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-y gcontext :erase-p t)
(stream-write-string self (car history))
(setf cursor-x 0
cursor-y (+ cursor-y line-height))
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-y gcontext)))
(defmethod stream-clear-output ((self interactive-stream))
(with-slots ( output-history output-history-size output-history-top
font height cursor-x cursor-y more-height line-height gcontext) self
(do ((i output-history-size (1- i))
(history output-history (cdr history)))
((zerop i))
(when (car history)
(setf (fill-pointer (car history)) 0)))
(setf cursor-x 0
cursor-y (- line-height (max-char-descent font)))
(reset-more-height self)
(setf output-history-top output-history)
(clear-area self)
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-y gcontext))
(defmethod stream-move-cursor ((self interactive-stream) &optional x y)
(with-slots (cursor-x cursor-y gcontext font) self
(let ((oldx cursor-x)
(oldy cursor-y))
(when x (setf cursor-x x))
(when y (setf cursor-x x))
(let ((newx cursor-x)
(newy cursor-y))
(draw-cursor self oldx oldy gcontext :erase-p t)
(draw-cursor self newx newy gcontext :fill-p t)
;; ********************* NEED TO ADD CURSOR OBJECT *****************
newx newy oldx oldy nil
(defmethod stream-write-char ((self interactive-stream) character)
(when (integerp character) ;; Kludge for old zetalisp code
(setq character (int-char character)))
(with-slots ( cursor-x cursor-y
(contact-width width) (contact-height height)
gcontext font more-height line-height
output-history tab-width lozenge-font) self
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-y gcontext :erase-p t)
(if (graphic-char-p character)
(when (> cursor-x contact-width) ;; Wrap on wide lines
(stream-write-char self #\newline))
(let ((width (char-width font (char-int character))))
(draw-glyph self gcontext cursor-x cursor-y (char-int character)
:width width :size 8 :translate #'xlib::translate-default)
(incf cursor-x width)
(unless *no-stream-history-p*
(vector-push-extend character (car output-history)))))
(progn ;; Undrawable character
(case character
(#\newline (setf cursor-x 0
cursor-y (+ cursor-y line-height))
(unless *no-stream-history-p*
(pop output-history)
(unless (car output-history)
(setf (car output-history)
(make-array 256 :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'string-char :adjustable t)))
(setf (fill-pointer (car output-history)) 0))
(when (> (+ cursor-y (max-char-descent font)) contact-height)
(when *no-stream-history-p*
(error "EOP during refresh")) ;; should never get here...
(end-of-page self))
(when (and more-height
(minusp (decf more-height line-height)))
(more-processing self)))
(#\backspace (let ((width (char-width font (font-default-char font))))
(setf cursor-x (max 0 (- cursor-x width))))
(unless *no-stream-history-p*
(vector-push-extend character (car output-history))))
(#\tab (setf cursor-x (+ cursor-x tab-width))
(unless *no-stream-history-p*
(vector-push-extend character (car output-history))))
(unless *no-stream-history-p*
(vector-push-extend character (car output-history)))
(incf cursor-x
(draw-lozenged-string self gcontext cursor-x cursor-y
(string (or (char-name character)
(format nil "~:@C" (char-int character))))
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-y gcontext))
(defmethod end-of-page ((interactive-stream interactive-stream))
;; Scroll up one line
(with-slots (cursor-x cursor-y height width line-height output-history-top (gc gcontext))
(the interactive-stream interactive-stream)
(let* ((bottom-line (min cursor-y height))
(clear-height (- height bottom-line)))
(copy-area interactive-stream gc 0 line-height width bottom-line
interactive-stream 0 0)
(when (plusp clear-height)
(clear-area interactive-stream :x 0 :y bottom-line
:width width :height clear-height))
(pop output-history-top))
(decf cursor-y line-height)
(draw-cursor interactive-stream cursor-x cursor-y gc)))
(defun more-processing (interactive-stream)
(reset-more-height interactive-stream)
(let ((*no-stream-history-p* t))
(stream-write-string interactive-stream "*** MORE ***")
(display-force-output (contact-display interactive-stream))
(stream-read-char interactive-stream)
(clear-line interactive-stream)))
(defun clear-line (interactive-stream)
;; Clear the current line
(setf (slot-value (the interactive-stream interactive-stream) 'cursor-x) 0)
(clear-eol interactive-stream))
(defun clear-eol (interactive-stream)
;; Clear the current line starting at the current cursor-x
(with-slots (font cursor-x cursor-y line-height width line-height gcontext)
(the interactive-stream interactive-stream)
(clear-area interactive-stream :x cursor-x :y (+ (font-descent font)
(- cursor-y line-height))
:width width :height line-height)
(draw-cursor interactive-stream cursor-x cursor-y gcontext)))
(defmethod stream-write-string ((self interactive-stream) string &optional (start 0) end)
(unless end (setq end (length string)))
(do ((i start (+ i index 1))
(index 0))
((>= i end) string)
(declare (type integer i)
(type (or null integer) index))
(with-slots ((contact-width width)
cursor-x cursor-y
font gcontext output-history) self
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-y gcontext :erase-p t)
(when (> cursor-x contact-width) ;; Wrap on wide lines
(stream-write-char self #\newline))
(let ((line-width (- contact-width cursor-x))
(string-width 0)
(new-end end))
(multiple-value-setq (string-width index)
(text-width font string :start i :end end))
(when index (setq new-end index))
(when (> string-width line-width) ;; Clip strings longer than remaing line width
(setq new-end (text-within-width line-width font string :start i :end new-end)
string-width line-width))
(setq index
(draw-glyphs self gcontext cursor-x cursor-y
string :start i :end new-end :width string-width))
(incf cursor-x string-width))
(draw-cursor self cursor-x cursor-y gcontext)
;; Save history
(unless *no-stream-history-p*
(let* ((history (car output-history))
(j (fill-pointer history))
(l (or index end))
(h (+ j (- l i))))
;; Grow history if necessary
(when (> h (array-total-size history))
(setq history (adjust-array history (+ h 80)))
(setf (car output-history) history))
(setf (fill-pointer history) h)
(replace history string :start1 j :end1 h :start2 i :end2 l)))
;; do special characters not printed
(if index
(stream-write-char self (aref string index))
(return string)))))
(defun text-within-width (width font string &key (start 0) end translate)
"Return an index within STRING such that the string width is less than WIDTH"
;; Estimate size
(do* ((index (+ start (ceiling width (min-char-width font))) (1+ index))
(stop (or end (length string))))
((>= index stop) index)
(multiple-value-bind (w i)
(text-width font string :start start :end index :translate translate)
(when i (return i))
(when (> w width) (return (1- index))))))
(defmethod stream-fresh-line ((self interactive-stream))
(with-slots (output-history) self
(unless (or (null (car output-history))
(zerop (length (car output-history))))
(stream-write-char self #\newline))))
(defun draw-lozenged-string (window gcontext x0 y0 string font)
"Display string inside a lozenge at X0 Y0."
(declare (values right-coordinate bottom-coordinate))
(multiple-value-bind (width ascent descent)
(text-extents font string)
(let* (;; Put 2 pixels to the top and bottom of the string.
(lozenge-height (+ ascent 4))
(wid (+ lozenge-height width))
(xpos (+ x0 (ceiling lozenge-height 2)))
(ypos (+ y0 descent)))
;; Put the string then the box around it.
(using-gcontext (gc :drawable (contact-root window) :default gcontext :font font)
(draw-glyphs window gc xpos ypos string))
(draw-lozenge window gcontext wid lozenge-height x0 (- y0 ascent 2))
(values wid lozenge-height))))
(defun draw-lozenge (window gcontext width height x y)
"Draw a hollow lozenge on WINDOW.
(a LOZENGE is a rectangle whose left and right ends are <pointed>.
A lozenge whose width and height are equal is a diamond shape.)"
(let* ((hh (floor (1- height) 2))
(cy (+ y hh hh))
(cx (+ x width -1)))
(draw-lines window gcontext (list
;; ; _
;; ;/ \ This looks like
;; ;\_/ what we are drawing
x (+ y hh)
(+ x hh) y ;/
(- cx hh) y ; _
cx (+ y hh) ; \
(- cx hh) cy ; /
(+ x hh) cy ; _
x (+ y hh))) ;\
;;; Alas, Common-lisp doesn't specify a portable way to make your own stream object.
;;; Here is a zetalisp implementation for lisp machines using clos-kludge.
;;; PLEASE mail an implementation for YOUR lisp to clue-review@dsg.csc.ti.com
#+(and lispm (not clos))
(defun (:property interactive-stream si:named-structure-invoke)
(method self &rest args
&aux (operations '( :which-operations :operation-handled-p :send-if-handles
:print-self :listen :clear-input :untyi :tyi :line-in
:clear-screen :tyo :string-out :fresh-line :rubout-handler :clear-eol)))
(ecase method
(:which-operations operations)
(:operation-handled-p (member (first args) operations))
(:send-if-handles (when (member (first args) operations)
(apply self args)))
(:print-self (format (first args) "#<interactive-stream ~o>" (si:%pointer self)))
(:listen (apply #'stream-listen self args))
(:clear-input (apply #'stream-clear-input self args))
(:untyi (apply #'stream-unread-char self args))
((:tyi :any-tyi) (stream-read-char self))
(:line-in (let ((leader (car args)))
(stream-read-line self :leader-length (and (numberp leader) leader))))
(:clear-screen (apply #'stream-clear-output self args))
(:tyo (apply #'stream-write-char self args))
(:string-out (apply #'stream-write-string self args))
(:fresh-line (apply #'stream-fresh-line self args))
(:clear-eol (apply #'clear-eol self args))
(:force-output (display-force-output (contact-display self)))
(:finish (display-finish-output (contact-display self)))
(:rubout-handler (apply #'stream-rubout-handler self args))
;; #+ti (:preemptable-read (apply #'stream-rubout-handler self args))
#+ti (:read-cursorpos (values 0 0))
#+ti (:process si:current-process)
#+(and Explorer CLOS)
(defmethod (interactive-stream :clear-eol) ()
(clear-eol zl:self))
(defmethod (interactive-stream :line-in) (&optional leader)
(stream-read-line zl:self :leader-length (and (numberp leader) leader)))
(defmethod ticlos:stream-read-line ((stream interactive-stream))
(stream-read-line stream))
(defmethod ticlos:stream-read-char-no-hang ((self interactive-stream))
(and (listen-character (contact-display self))
(stream-read-char self)))
(defmethod ticlos:stream-force-output ((stream interactive-stream))
(display-force-output (contact-display stream)))
(defmethod ticlos:stream-finish-output ((stream interactive-stream))
(display-finish-output (contact-display stream)))
(defmethod ticlos:stream-line-column ((stream interactive-stream))
(values (zl:send stream :read-cursorpos ':character)))
(defmethod ticlos:stream-start-line-p ((stream interactive-stream))
(zerop (slot-value stream 'cursor-x)))
(defmethod (interactive-stream :read-cursorpos) (&optional units)
(declare (notinline char-width))
(if (eq units ':character)
(values (round cursor-x (char-width font (char-int #\n)))
(round cursor-y line-height))
;; else assume pixels
(values cursor-x cursor-y)))
(defmethod (interactive-stream :increment-cursorpos) (dx dy &optional units)
(declare (notinline char-width))
(if (eq units ':character)
(stream-move-cursor zl:self (+ cursor-x (* dx (char-width font (char-int #\n))))
(+ cursor-y (* dy line-height)))
;; else assume pixels
(stream-move-cursor zl:self (+ cursor-x dx) (+ cursor-y dy))))
(defmethod (interactive-stream :process) () si:current-process)
) ; end Explorer and CLOS
;; A SIMPLE rubbout handler
;; (what an understatement, but it's something to build on...)
(defmacro with-input-editing ((stream &optional rubout-options) &body body)
"Execute BODY inside of STREAM's stream-rubout-handler method.
If BODY does input from STREAM, it will be done with rubout processing
if STREAM is an interactive-stream.
RUBOUT-OPTIONS should be the options for the stream-rubout-handler method"
(unless stream (setq stream '*standard-input*))
`(stream-rubout-handler ,stream ,rubout-options
#'(lambda () ,@body)))
(defun stream-rubout-handler (contact options function &rest args)
;; Rubout handling in the zetalisp tradition
(if (typep contact 'interactive-stream)
(let ((option-plist nil))
(dolist (option options)
(setq option-plist (append option-plist option)))
(if args
(funcall (stream-rubout-handler-function contact) contact option-plist
#'(lambda () (apply function args)))
(funcall (stream-rubout-handler-function contact) contact option-plist function)))
(apply function args)))
(defmacro rubout-handler (&rest options &key (stream *terminal-io*) body
pass-through do-not-echo help initial-input)
"Common-windows rubout-hander"
(declare (ignore pass-through do-not-echo help initial-input))
(let ((option-plist (copy-list options)))
(remf option-plist :stream)
(remf option-plist :body)
`(rubout-handler-internal ,stream #'(lambda () ,body) ,@option-plist)))
(defun rubout-handler-internal (contact function &rest options)
;; Rubout handling in the common-windows tradition
(if (typep contact 'interactive-stream)
;; Note: OPTIONS doesn't have to be copied, even though it's an &rest arg,
;; because it's never referenced outside this dynamic scope.
(funcall (stream-rubout-handler-function contact) contact options function)
(funcall function)))
;; Rubout-Handler-Buffer
(defstruct (rubout-handler-buffer (:conc-name rhb-))
(fill-pointer 0)
(scan-pointer 0)
(buffer (make-array 128 :element-type 'string-char))
(options nil))
;; Since it doesn't make much sense for a process to get input from more
;; than one stream at a time, This rubout handler implementation doesn't
;; allocate a rubout-handler-buffer for each stream. Instead, a cache
;; of buffers is kept, and the rubout-handler-buffer is bound to *rhb*
;; within the scope of the rubout handler, instead of in a slot of the
;; stream.
(defvar *rhb* nil) ;; rubout-handler-buffer
(defvar *rhb-cache* nil) ;; rubout handler buffer cache
(defun allocate-rhb ()
(or (xlib::atomic-pop *rhb-cache*)
(defun deallocate-rhb (rhb)
(setf (rhb-options rhb) nil) ;; Zap options for garbage collection
(xlib::atomic-push rhb *rhb-cache*))
(defun get-rubout-handler-buffer (stream)
"Return a string that represents the current state of
the rubout handler associated with STREAM.
This must be called from within the BODY passed to rubout handler."
(declare (ignore stream))
;; We keep the rubout-handler-buffer in *RHB*, NOT in a slot of the stream.
(subseq (rhb-buffer *rhb*) 0 (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*)))
;; *RUBOUT-HANDLER* keeps track of the state of the rubout handler. It can have
;; one of the following settings:
;; NIL Outside the rubout handler
;; READ Inside the rubout-handler but not inside rubout-handler-edit
;; TYI Inside rubout-handler-edit
;; This variable is bound back to NIL whenever entering a new listener loop
;; which establishes its own editing context.
(defvar *rubout-handler* nil "Rubout handler state. NIL when not INSIDE the rubout handler")
(defun simple-rubout-handler (contact options function)
;; A rubout handler in the common-windows tradition
;; Options include:
;; :full-rubout flag If the user erases all of the characters then presses
;; the rubout character once more, control is returned
;; from the input editor immediately. Two values are
;; returned: NIL and FLAG. In the absence of this option,
;; the input editor simply waits for more characters.
;; :prompt string string to display or function of one argument (the contact)
;; :reprompt string
;; :initial-input string
;; :initial-input-pointer card16
(let ((*rhb* (allocate-rhb)))
(setf (rhb-options *rhb*) options)
(setf (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*) 0) ; number of characters in the buffer
(setf (rhb-scan-pointer *rhb*) 0) ; number of characters sent to application
;; PROMPT option
(let ((prompt-option (getf options :prompt)))
(cond ((null prompt-option))
((stringp prompt-option)
(stream-write-string contact prompt-option))
#+explorer ;; explorer error-handler hack
;; old zetalisp required 2 arguments to prompt and read.
((eq prompt-option 'sys:prompt-and-read-prompt-function)
(funcall prompt-option contact nil))
(t (funcall prompt-option contact))))
(let ((initial-input (getf options :initial-input)))
(when initial-input
(let* ((initial-input-pointer (getf options :initial-input-pointer 0))
(length (- (length initial-input) initial-input-pointer))
(size (array-total-size (rhb-buffer *rhb*))))
(when (> length size)
(setf (rhb-buffer *rhb*) (adjust-array (rhb-buffer *rhb*) (+ length size))))
(replace (rhb-buffer *rhb*) initial-input :start1 initial-input-pointer)
(setf (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*) length)
(stream-write-string contact initial-input initial-input-pointer))))
(when (slot-value (the interactive-stream contact) 'unreadp) ; Make sure type ahead is processed
(simple-rubout-handler-edit contact) ; by rubout handler, not just by TYI
(setf (rhb-scan-pointer *rhb*) 0))
(do ((*rubout-handler* 'read) ;Establish rubout handler
#+ti (si:rubout-handler t) ;Needed for explorer compatability
(catch 'rubout-handler ; Throw here when rubbing out
#+cleh ; Hopefully, someday everyone will use this
(return (funcall function))
(error (condition) (princ condition)))
#+(and lispm (not cleh))
(si:catch-error ; If a read-error occurs, print a message and loop back
(return ; Exit rubbout handler when read function returns
(funcall function))) ; Call read function
#+(and kcl (not cleh))
(multiple-value-bind (tag value)
(si:error-set `(funcall ',function))
(unless tag (return value)))
#+(and excl (not cleh))
(multiple-value-bind (tag value)
(excl:error-set (funcall function) :announce)
(unless tag (return value)))
#-(or cleh lispm kcl excl)
(return (funcall function))
;; We come here after read errors (catch-error caught)
(fresh-line contact) ; Echo the rubout handler buffer
(stream-write-string contact (rhb-buffer *rhb*) 0 (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*))
(loop (stream-read-char contact)))) ; and force user to edit it
;; Come here on throw to 'rubout-handler
;; Maybe return when user rubs all the way back
(and (zerop (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*))
(let ((full-rubout-option (getf options :full-rubout)))
(and full-rubout-option (return (values nil full-rubout-option)))))))
(deallocate-rhb *rhb*))))
(defun rh-read-char (contact &aux idx)
;; Get the next character from the rubout-handler buffer, or the user
;; Called from stream-read-char when *rubout-handler* is 'read
(cond ((> (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*) ;Return characters from rhb until end of buffer
(setq idx (rhb-scan-pointer *rhb*)))
(setf (rhb-scan-pointer *rhb*) (1+ idx))
(aref (rhb-buffer *rhb*) idx))
(t (simple-rubout-handler-edit contact))) ;Else, editing the buffer
(defun simple-rubout-handler-edit (contact)
;; This is the "guts" of the rubout handler, where the editing occurs
;; This needs LOTS more editing commands!
(do ((rubbed-out-some nil)
(*rubout-handler* 'tyi)
(nil) ;; forever
(setq ch (stream-read-char contact))
(case ch
(#\control-u ;CLEAR-INPUT flushes all buffered input
(setf (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*) 0)
(setq rubbed-out-some t) ;Will need to throw out
(stream-write-char contact ch) ;Echo and advance to new line
(stream-write-char contact #\Newline))
(#\control-l ;Retype buffered input
(display contact)
(let ((prompt (or (getf (rhb-options *rhb*) :reprompt)
(getf (rhb-options *rhb*) :prompt))))
(cond ((null prompt))
((stringp prompt)
(stream-write-string contact prompt))
#+explorer ;; explorer error-handler hack
;; old zetalisp required 2 arguments to prompt and read.
((eq prompt 'sys:prompt-and-read-prompt-function)
(funcall prompt contact nil))
(funcall prompt contact))))
(stream-write-string contact (rhb-buffer *rhb*) 0 (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*)))
(let ((len (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*)))
(unless (zerop len)
(setf (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*) (setq len (1- len)))
(set-cursorpos contact :x (- (stream-cursor-x contact)
(char-width (stream-font contact)
(char-int (aref (rhb-buffer *rhb*) len)))))
(clear-eol contact)
(setq rubbed-out-some t)
(when (zerop len) ;; when all rubbed out
(setf (rhb-scan-pointer *rhb*) 0)
(throw 'rubout-handler t)))))
(if (plusp (char-bits ch))
(bell (contact-display contact)) ;; unknown command
;; Echo character
(let ((fill-pointer (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*)))
(stream-write-char contact ch)
;; Put character in buffer, after first ensuring its big enough
(when (> (setf (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*) (1+ fill-pointer))
(array-total-size (rhb-buffer *rhb*)))
(setf (rhb-buffer *rhb*)
(adjust-array (rhb-buffer *rhb*) (* 2 fill-pointer))))
(setf (aref (rhb-buffer *rhb*) fill-pointer) ch)
(cond (rubbed-out-some
;; Make the reader closure re-read all input from the beginning
(setf (rhb-scan-pointer *rhb*) 0)
(throw 'rubout-handler t))
;; New character at the end of the buffer, just return it.
(setf (rhb-scan-pointer *rhb*) (rhb-fill-pointer *rhb*))
(return ch)))))))))
(defun handle-asynchronous-characters (char contact)
;; This handles things like abort, break, system and terminal for TI Explorers
(let ((entry (assoc char tv:kbd-intercepted-characters)))
(cond (entry (funcall (second entry) char))
((setq entry (assoc char tv:kbd-global-asynchronous-characters))
(funcall (second entry) char contact))
((setq entry (assoc char tv:kbd-standard-asynchronous-characters))
(funcall (second entry) char contact)))))